Source code for hepdata.modules.permissions.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of HEPData.
# Copyright (C) 2016 CERN.
# HEPData is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# HEPData is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with HEPData; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307, USA.
# In applying this license, CERN does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status
# as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

from datetime import datetime
import json
import logging

from flask_login import login_required, current_user
from invenio_accounts.models import Role
from invenio_db import db
from sqlalchemy import func

from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, url_for, redirect, request, abort, render_template

from hepdata.ext.opensearch.admin_view.api import AdminIndexer
from hepdata.modules.dashboard.api import get_dashboard_current_user
from import send_coordinator_request_mail, send_coordinator_approved_email, \
    send_cookie_email, send_reserve_email
from hepdata.modules.permissions.api import get_records_participated_in_by_user, get_approved_coordinators, \
from hepdata.modules.permissions.models import SubmissionParticipant, CoordinatorRequest
from hepdata.modules.records.utils.common import get_record_by_id
from hepdata.modules.submission.api import get_latest_hepsubmission
from hepdata.modules.submission.models import HEPSubmission
from hepdata.utils.users import get_user_from_id, user_is_admin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

blueprint = Blueprint('hep_permissions', __name__, url_prefix="/permissions",

[docs] @blueprint.route( '/manage/<int:recid>/<string:action>/<string:status_action>/<int:participant_id>') @login_required def manage_participant_status(recid, action, status_action, participant_id): """ Can promote or demote a participant to/from primary reviewer/uploader, or remove the participant from the record. :param recid: record id that the user will be promoted or demoted for :param action: upload or review :param status_action: demote, promote or remove :param participant_id: id of user from the SubmissionParticipant table. :return: """ try: participant = SubmissionParticipant.query.filter_by( id=participant_id).one() if status_action == 'remove': db.session.delete(participant) else: status = 'reserve' if status_action == 'promote': status = 'primary' participant.status = status db.session.add(participant) db.session.commit() record = get_record_by_id(recid) # now send the email telling the user of their new status! hepsubmission = get_latest_hepsubmission(publication_recid=recid) if status_action == 'promote': send_cookie_email(participant, record, version=hepsubmission.version) elif status_action == 'demote': send_reserve_email(participant, record) admin_idx = AdminIndexer() admin_idx.index_submission(hepsubmission) return json.dumps({"success": True, "recid": recid}) except Exception as e: error_str = f"Unable to {status_action} participant id {participant_id} for record {recid}" log.error(f"{error_str}: {str(e)}") return json.dumps( {"success": False, "recid": recid, "message": f"{error_str}. Please refresh the page and try again."})
[docs] @blueprint.route('/manage/person/add/<int:recid>', methods=['POST']) @login_required def add_participant(recid): """ Adds a participant to a record. :param recid: :return: """ try: submission_record = get_latest_hepsubmission(publication_recid=recid) full_name = request.form['name'] email = request.form['email'] participant_type = request.form['type'] new_record = SubmissionParticipant(publication_recid=recid, full_name=full_name, email=email, role=participant_type) db.session.add(new_record) db.session.commit() admin_idx = AdminIndexer() admin_idx.index_submission(submission_record) return json.dumps( {"success": True, "recid": recid, "message": "{0} {1} added.".format(full_name, participant_type)}) except Exception as e: return json.dumps( {"success": False, "recid": recid, "message": 'Unable to add participant.'})
[docs] @blueprint.route('/manage/coordinator/', methods=['POST']) @login_required def change_coordinator_for_submission(): """ Changes the coordinator for a record to that defined by a user id. Accepts a data object containing {'recid': record id to be acted upon, 'coordinator': id of user who will now be the coordinator}. :return: dict """ recid = request.form['recid'] coordinator_id = request.form['coordinator'] submission_records = HEPSubmission.query.filter_by(publication_recid=recid).all() admin_idx = AdminIndexer() for submission_record in submission_records: submission_record.coordinator = coordinator_id db.session.add(submission_record) admin_idx.index_submission(submission_record) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'success': True})
[docs] @blueprint.route('/request/coordinator/', methods=['POST']) @login_required def request_coordinator_privileges(): """ Submits a request for coordinator privileges. :return: """ _user_id = int(current_user.get_id()) message = request.form['message'] experiment = request.form['experiment'] existing_requests = get_pending_request() if len(existing_requests) > 0: return jsonify({'message': 'Pending coordinator requests already exist for this user.', 'status': 'error'}) try: coordinator_request = CoordinatorRequest(user=_user_id, message=str(message), collaboration=experiment) db.session.add(coordinator_request) db.session.commit() send_coordinator_request_mail(coordinator_request) except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() return jsonify({"status": "error", "message": e.__str__()}) return jsonify({'message': 'Request sent successfully.', 'status': 'ok'})
[docs] @blueprint.route('/coordinator/response/<int:request_id>/<string:decision>', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @login_required def respond_coordinator_privileges(request_id, decision): """ Handles a request for coordinator privileges. :return: """ if user_is_admin(current_user): coordinator_request = CoordinatorRequest.query.filter_by( id=request_id).one() if coordinator_request: coordinator_request.in_queue = False if decision == 'approve': coordinator_request.approved = True coordinator_role = Role.query.filter_by(name='coordinator').one() if coordinator_role: user = get_user_from_id(coordinator_request.user) if user: user.roles.append(coordinator_role) db.session.add(user) send_coordinator_approved_email(coordinator_request) else: return render_template('hepdata_records/error_page.html', recid=None, message="Unable to find a user with id {0} in the system.".format( coordinator_request.user), errors={}) else: return render_template('hepdata_records/error_page.html', recid=None, message="Unable to find the role coordinator in the system.", errors={}) db.session.add(coordinator_request) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('hep_dashboard.dashboard')) return render_template('hepdata_records/error_page.html', recid=None, message="No request found with that ID.", errors={}) abort(403)
[docs] @blueprint.route('/assign/<cookie>') @login_required def assign_role(cookie): try: participant_record = SubmissionParticipant.query.filter( func.lower( == func.lower(, SubmissionParticipant.invitation_cookie == cookie).first() participant_record.user_account = current_user.get_id() participant_record.action_date = datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(participant_record) db.session.commit() return redirect('/record/{0}'.format(participant_record.publication_recid)) except: abort(403)
[docs] def check_is_sandbox_record(recid): try: submission = HEPSubmission.query.filter_by(publication_recid=recid).first() return submission.overall_status.startswith('sandbox') except Exception as e: return False
[docs] @blueprint.route('/list') @login_required def get_permissions_list(): """ Gets all permissions given for a user. :return: """ user = get_dashboard_current_user(current_user) return jsonify(get_records_participated_in_by_user(user))
[docs] @blueprint.route('/coordinators') def get_coordinators(): """ Returns a list of coordinators and their experiments in the system. :return: """ coordinators = get_approved_coordinators() return render_template('hepdata_permissions/coordinator_list.html', coordinators=coordinators)